

As a mercy, Catholic institution of higher education, 必威 is committed to advancing environmental stewardship and sustainability on campus and in the community by integrating the social, economic and ecological values of sustainable development into institutional policies and practices.

Climate change and environmental degradation are pressing moral issues that compromise the future of our common home, threaten human dignity and all life, 我们社会中最贫穷和最脆弱的成员的苦难更加深重. Our commitment to sustainability is underwritten by the critical concerns of the Sisters of Mercy and Pope Francis’s call towards “a new and universal solidarity” in which the climate is understood as “a common good, belonging to all and meant for all.”

The advancement of an integral ecology at 必威 celebrates our mission to serve as stewards of God’s creation, 作为变革的推动者,带来一个更加和谐的世界, just and merciful world. Our institutional commitment to sustainability seeks to meet the present needs of our University community without compromising the ability of 必威 and our local and global neighbors to meet future needs.

Vision and Goals

萨尔维里贾纳社区将努力开展其活动在一个社会公正, economically viable and environmentally sound manner, valuing the interdependence of people, prosperity and the planet, now and into future generations.

提倡负责任地用水,实践环境管理, waste reduction, sustainable and socially just food production, material reuse and recycling, renewable energy investments, ecological land use, green building practices, 可持续的校园交通选择和校园保护效率.

Create an environmentally literate community by advancing interdisciplinary teaching and research to address pressing local and global environmental, economic and social challenges.

创建一个对环境负责的社区,培养一个可见的, 在我们的学生中,教育和积极致力于整体生态和环境正义, 教师, staff and alumni.

Best Practices for a Sustainable Salve

可持续的药膏倡导在校园和当地社区的可持续实践, provides environmental sustainability education and collaborates across campus to create and support initiatives that reduce the University's environmental impact. Sustainable Salve encourages the University community to be mindful of the Mercy Critical Concern of Earth by pledging to do the following:

  • 在购买办公家具和置物架之前,与采购和设施部门联系. Facilities will check the University's furniture inventory.
  • 如果灯泡需要更换,请联系设施更换LED.
  • 如果你通过必威的WB Mason或亚马逊商业账户订购, 确保所有项目都被标识为“组织限制”," which includes items such as furniture and balloons.
  • 晚上关掉电脑和显示器,白天使用待机模式.
  • If your room or office does not have motion sensor lighting, remember to turn off lights when not in use.
  • 保持门窗紧闭,节约能源,保持室内制冷和供暖.
  • Utilize digital means over printed handouts, programs and posters for meetings and events such as QR codes, digital signage and screen sharing. 如果需要打印,请在页面的两面打印,并重复使用单面打印的纸张.
  • 用可重复使用的杯子、马克杯和水瓶喝水,用可重复使用的容器打包午餐.
  • 利用校园内的补水站,而不是购买瓶装水.
  • Report leaky faucets and toilets to Facilities.
  • Utilize recycling and composting bins.
  • 在组织会议和活动时,要注意食物浪费和过度订购. If you have ordered catering and you have leftover, untouched food, please contact the Center for Community Engagement and Service to distribute leftovers to community partners that have the greatest need.
  • 请体谅我们的野生动物,不要在户外使用气球.
  • 合伙使用汽车, use the 必威 shuttle system or utilize 必威’s bike program in lieu of driving on or off campus.
  • Consider participating in the annual thrift shop pop-up on campus in April to donate or purchase gently used items.

St. Francis Pledge

必威 is an advocate for the St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor, 这是天主教气候公约发起的全国性倡议. The pledge is a promise and a commitment to protect God's creation and advocate on behalf of people in poverty who face the harshest impacts of global climate change.


RIPTA's natural gas-powered vehicles provide unlimited ridership on campus and throughout the state for all students with a valid 必威 ID.

In addition, 每学期有130多辆自行车可供必威的学生借阅. The program promotes healthy behaviors and healthy choices while providing opportunities for convenient transportation. 校园的所有区域和许多当地企业都在自行车距离之内.

By restricting the number of vehicles permitted on campus, 禁止学生在校园内驾车,并对违规者处以罚款, 必威's transportation policies strive to reduce the number of vehicles on campus and in the city of Newport.

电池收集箱位于McKillop图书馆花园层的设计服务室外. 捐赠者被要求特别注意张贴在垃圾桶上方的回收细节. Of special note:

  • 请不要将腐蚀或泄漏的电池放入回收箱.
  • 请务必将所有电池用胶带粘好,否则会造成火灾隐患.

“清洁海洋通道”是一个关注安全的当地环保组织, 清洁和开放进入海洋和海岸线的Aquidneck岛. Since 2006, Clean Ocean Access has tested the water quality at popular swimming locations not considered "designated swimming areas." The program's long-term goal is to establish baseline water quality standards in order to ensure permanent clean water along the Aquidneck Island shoreline.

索尔里贾纳学生参加整个学年的清洁海洋访问水测试, 并将采样范围扩大到流入海洋的淡水河.

保护野生动物俱乐部和索迪斯餐饮服务公司的合作伙伴关系, the Salve Saves Scraps program encourages students to reduce their footprint by composting food waste in their campus residences.

Salve saving scrap让学生可以使用大学的商业堆肥箱, which are emptied weekly. There are no weight limits and no cap on registrations. Applications for the program are accepted year-round.

Established in 2008, 环境俱乐部计划地球日活动并组织环保意识项目. The club has sponsored marine mammal stranding workshops with the Mystic Aquarium and Institute for Exploration, 一些俱乐部成员接受了培训,成为救助搁浅海龟的第一响应者, seals and whales.

在校园, 环境俱乐部组织了一些增加回收利用的活动, 首先是在宿舍和校园公寓,最近是在奥黑尔学术大楼. In addition, the club is routinely involved in stewardship activities such as beach cleanups and fundraisers for other nonprofit environmental groups.

The Green Room program encourages students to reduce their carbon footprint by pledging to recycle aluminum, 纸, glass and cardboard, conserve water by taking shorter showers and conserve electricity by unplugging items when not in use.

In 2011, two biology students, with help from a donor, 在亨特大厅的下层建立了一个完全可操作的水培“种植屋”. Since then, students have grown spinach, 罗勒, 生菜, 甜菜, 羽衣甘蓝, microgreens, 西红柿, 黄瓜, peppers and parsley.

证明水培农业的商业可行性是这项研究的主要焦点. An outreach program has been implemented in offsite locations throughout Rhode Island to enhance the growth and expansion of this important endeavor, which was recognized in the National Catholic Reporter.

索迪斯根据法律豁免和协议向当地社区成员捐赠剩余食品. 这样的食物是指定的,但不限于,弱势群体,老年人和无家可归者.

Bleach-free, 完全可堆肥的棕色餐巾消除了漂白过程和氯的使用, while napkin holders reduce napkin usage by 20 percent. Condiments and coffee creamers are served in bulk containers, 在麦莉食堂实行无托盘用餐,减少了用水, energy and food waste.

Seasonal produce is purchased from Rhode Island farms, and the Miley dining hall also has its own garden, which produces vegetables and herbs. Used cooking oil is donated to Newport Biodiesel for conversion into fuel.

Sodexo has partnered with the Compost Plant,收集大学的食物残渣和可堆肥物品,将其转化为堆肥. They have also partnered with 红色的最好的 供应每天在新英格兰水域捕获的新鲜、可持续的鱼.

Fair trade coffee is served throughout campus, while catered events use environmentally friendly Earth Plus products and 100 percent compostable Greenware disposable cups. Holiday dinners served in the Miley dining hall contain many menu items from local and sustainable sources.

索尔里贾纳提供跨学科的环境研究专业和辅修专业, which exposes students to the broad range of issues that arise from the interaction of humans with the natural world, 以及理解和解决环境问题所需的工具. 该计划的学生完成数学和科学课程, 政策, ethics and society, and preservation, 辅以学生指导的研究和论文在大四.

Students who major in biology may concentrate in environmental sciences by completing the additional courses Environmental Chemistry, Conservation Biology, 海洋生物学和生态学,并完成额外的选修课程.

Water filtration dispensers are located throughout campus, 有效减少了成千上万个塑料瓶的浪费.

Showerheads and toilets have been converted to low-flow units and energy efficient washers and dryers have been installed. 雷诺菲尔德用一口井抽取地下水用于灌溉, eliminating $10,000 per year of potable water use. An additional irrigation system using recycled groundwater is in place at the Rodgers Recreation Center.

Housekeepers utilize a microfiber mopping system that uses less water and reduces the number of laundry loads necessary to clean products. Concentrated cleaning products have been replaced with Green Seal certified cleaning products and the Phazer applicator system, which reduces product waste.

In 2011, a group of students in the Environmental Quality course designed a sampling protocol for monitoring the quality of the local freshwater that provides Aquidneck Island residents with their drinking water. 他们设计的协议继续由该领域的公民科学家执行.

必威学生进行实验室分析,并定期监测营养输入和E. 大肠杆菌水平,并检查生活在这些溪流中的生物群落.

AASHE bronze award